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Stomach problem

Category: Digestive Disorders: Stomach

Stomach pain and its remedies

If you wake up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps, clutch a pillow and curl your body around it and if in the morning it still persists you have to assume it is a stomach pain.Whenever you get a pain in your stomach it might be an actual problem right in your stomach, but it may be in your abdomen is more than your stomach. The problem may be in your intestines. It may be in the whole area between your chest and your pelvic (hip) bones.Inside your abdomen, you have your stomach and your intestines, along with lots of other organs: bladder, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, appendix, and adrenal glands. If you're a girl, your abdomen also includes your uterus and ovaries.All of these organs are held together inside you by a bag-like membrane called your peritoneum. This two-layered membrane also separates these organs from your outer abdominal muscles. Three layers of muscles  front, back, and side — support this "case" of organs and protect them.There are four stomach sections in your body. Stomach sections are Cardia, Fundus, Corpus Body, Pylorus or antrum.The stomach diet are important for disease. Stomach diet is Drink milk, Avoid coffee, citrus fruits and Spicy food.

Belly/Stomach pain reasons

There are several stomach pain reasons. Mainly stomach pain reasons are explain one by one.Constipation is one of the most common reasons for abdominal pain. If you haven't had a bowel movement for a while or if it hurts to go to the bathroom or your bowel movements are hard, you are probably constipated. Diarrhea is often caused by an infection and is the frequent passage of loose, watery, soft stools plus bloating and gas.Feeling sick toward your stomach and throwing up can also be linked with stomach pain and your body tells you to stay near bathroom.Some people get abdominal pain when they ate too much of something, ate a food that was too spicy and greasy or take a food that they have allergy to or use items lying long time in fridge and developed bad taste. The pain is the body's way of telling you that your stomach and intestines are having a tough job breaking down or digesting this food. Some people cannot digest lactose a type of sugar developed by milk develop stomach pain if they use milk.

Remedies for Stomach Pain

The best way to treat is remedies for the stomach pain. Remedies for stomach pain are very effective for patients.

 1. Drink lemon tea with some honey added in it for taste. It is an effective natural remedy for stomach ache.
2. Mix 1 tsp each of mint juice and limejuice. Add some ginger juice and black salt in it. Drink this mixture for quick stomach pain relief.
3. Take a small piece of ginger and grate it. Thereafter, squeeze out its juice. Apply the juice on the bottom of your belly and massage gently. It is an effective natural remedy for stomach ache.

4. Yogurt is very good for stomach as it contains a lot of bacteria needed for your stomach which might be lacking.

5. Put 1and half teaspoons of ground cinnamon into a cup of warm water, let the powder to be settled and use it like tea.

6. Squeeze 2 lemons into a glass, add little sugar for sweetening, then mix it with baking soda drink the mixture while it’s foaming is good for stomach pain.

Some people suggest that after six month we should definitely use some colon cleaner for better functioning of your stomach.

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Stomach problem
If you wake up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps, clutch a pillow and curl your body around it and if in the morning it still persists you have to assume it is a stomach pain.